Though he used to use the moniker Jacky S. Chen, he's far from Jackie Chan in status, but when it comes to kung-fu, well he's right up there with some of the best. He seems just as good as Jackie in Acrobatics, but as an actor, he gets lost in the shuffle. In Of Cooks & Kung Fu, he displayed excellent talent and timing, where he gave kung-fu fans some real intricate fist and footwork. This film, was undoubtedly some of his best work. Obviously, films like this, were geared towards the Kung Fu Comedy genre, which didn't really hurt this film. I think being billed as a "Jackie Chan-clone" was the problem.
Like many performers, he could have stood on his abilities alone, yet, some Producer probably felt, that the name might earn the film, a bigger audience and gereate more money. In Tai-Chi Devil Dragons, he went up against the likes of Kam Kong, to good effect. Like Tsui Chung-Sin, he does his own choreography, on the films that he stars in. He seemed really out of place in the film The Vigilantes (with Polly Shang-Kuan), where he showed virtually no kung-fu skills at all. Choosing to work behind the camera, he may have robbed us of some fine performances, because of what we've seen of his work, he should have stuck around a little while longer.