Best known as the cunning "Old Fox" in Jackie Chan's The Young Master, who gets Wei Pai to turn his back on his classmates. He has been around the movie circuit for years playing in various roles and even directing. He is the father of top screen-villain and "All-around-bad-guy" Feng Ko-An and has appeared in films with him as well. In the early 50's he even starred with an up and coming child actor who would later set the world on it ear - Li Jun-Fan.
He can always make you laugh with the funny expressions that he usually has on his face. Most thought he was just twisting his lips to the side just another film mannerism, yet, it was because he had actually suffered a Stroke and that was why his mouth was that way. He seemed to be more comfortable making you laugh than trying to kill you, as his movie skills (style) was more suited for Comedy than fighting. I liked him in the obscure but excellent hit - The Gold Hunters, again playing with his villainous son.