Wang Chung
A very good character actor, who has played in countless Shaw Brothers films since the late 60's. In most of these films, he playes thugs or robbers, often getting killed beore the film reached its' half-way mark. A few of my favorite films by him were - The Deadly Duo, Man Of Iron, and The Heroic Ones . He got his first starring role opposite Fu Sheng in Police Force, and has been going strong ever since. Not the type you would (normally) use to carry a picture, but a fine actor just the same.
He drove me crazy as the sick acrobatic performer in The Savage 5. It seemed, every time he was on the screen, he was "moaning or whining" and I saw no way, that he could have helped the townspeople. Often, overshadowed by the likes of David Chiang, Ti Lung, and Fu Sheng, he held his own on the screen and emerged a strong performer (and an even stronger Director) than many of his stablemates. He came through as a gem, in the Shaw's modern-day classic Streetgangs From Hong Kong, which was his second starring role, as I thought he did a pretty good job in 7 Blows Of The Dragon.
A very good acrobat, with some fine skills to boot, I just wished that they could have showcased these skills a little bit more in the films he played. In films away from Shaw studios, he gave some interesting performances, such as Kung Fu Troublemaker, Cantonen Iron Kung Fu, and The Unforgiven Of Shaolin, where he seemed to be (more) at ease, in his portrayals.
His brother is fellow actor and villain Wang Ching and in a lot of ways, they (almost) seem equally matched on the screen. They've also starred in certain films together such as Death Chamber, The Blooded Treasury Fight, and Shanghai 13. Yet, behind the screen, it's a different story as he's tried his hands at Directing (The Informer, Mobfix Patrol) and has directed more films than his brother. He seemed to find his niche, even surpassing his mentor at the box-office, with such films as - The Murderer Pursues, Vampire's Breakfast, Walk, Don't Run, and Fractured Follies.