The Shaw Brother's Monthly Wage Dispenser
Somehow, the Track-lighting on set #8, never quite agreed with Shirley
To cut Production costs on a number of films, many Crackheads began working as extras
No matter how hard he tried, David couldn't convince Wang to visit his Barber.
Dammit, these mutherf@#kers just ripped my new Sean John one-piece !!
Danny was about to find out, just how hard it was to play
the stage at Shaw's affiliate Apollo Theater
the stage at Shaw's affiliate Apollo Theater
What you need to do, is stop trying to Dress like me.
Everyone knows that I've been wearing Capes, even before I started acting.
Besides, my Chest is bigger than yours ...
Everyone knows that I've been wearing Capes, even before I started acting.
Besides, my Chest is bigger than yours ...
Despite several warnings from management,
Wang just couldn't stay sober on the job...
Wang just couldn't stay sober on the job...
You might wanna get back, that "Beef & Broccoli" didn't sit well in my stomach
Seriously, what kind of Shampoo do you use
to get your hair to Grow like that ??
to get your hair to Grow like that ??
"Uh, mmmm, What exactly is this
"Cream Of Meat Extract" soup made from ??
"Cream Of Meat Extract" soup made from ??
The vendor often wondered, if he should change the name or
ingredients of his "Life Gamble" ice cream cones
ingredients of his "Life Gamble" ice cream cones
"No young man, when you're grabbing Boobs,
you come from the Front, not the sides...."
you come from the Front, not the sides...."
"Tiger Boy, my ass!!
These are Leopard Prints. I think Mr. Chang has Cataracts
You think we would've gotten better roles, if we had've left with Wei Pai??"
These are Leopard Prints. I think Mr. Chang has Cataracts
You think we would've gotten better roles, if we had've left with Wei Pai??"
"When you said that you were gonna use (2) Rubbers,
I thought you knew what I meant.
By the way, I'm Pregnant."
I thought you knew what I meant.
By the way, I'm Pregnant."
Chiang became upset, when he heard that his tribute to Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal" was cut from the final version of Heaven & Hell
No one knew why, Gordon would often fall asleep,
while barbecuing on the set.
Later, they found out the he was using Ether instead of lighter fluid
while barbecuing on the set.
Later, they found out the he was using Ether instead of lighter fluid
The group wanted to know if the Mountain air
affected Yeung's Nipples in his new outfit...
affected Yeung's Nipples in his new outfit...
While showing off another one of his new contraptions,
Tang had another accident on the set
Tang had another accident on the set
Most didn't know what they were getting into,
when they signed up for Shaw's new BDSM classes
when they signed up for Shaw's new BDSM classes
Chen always hated the way Wang would imitate his movements,
when he was practicing his lines
when he was practicing his lines
Chiang went to extreme measures,
in order to get his head to fit,
into his new hat
in order to get his head to fit,
into his new hat
Doesn't he kinda favor that "Kid From The North"
What's his name ..... Flavor Flav ??
What's his name ..... Flavor Flav ??
Lee was having the the best night of his life, until the lights came on
and he found himself dancing with another man..
and he found himself dancing with another man..
Sue hated working the Shanghai district, as some customers
always paid her with Food Stamps
always paid her with Food Stamps
Most tried to hide their birthdates, as Chen often got carried away,
when giving out birthday licks
when giving out birthday licks
Chu couldn't believe how much Tsai looked like
her great-grandmother in that wig
her great-grandmother in that wig
So, do these pants make my butt look bigger
OMG, not Egg Salad again......
At least say "Excuse me" when you do that
At least say "Excuse me" when you do that
During the dry season (when beef was hard to find)
a lot of tourists went missing, along the mountain trails
a lot of tourists went missing, along the mountain trails
Patrons who liked to "Dined & Dashed" were dealt with
rather severely, at Shaw Brother's "Hill Side Restaurant"
rather severely, at Shaw Brother's "Hill Side Restaurant"
Overworked and underpaid, Dice games would spring up
every time Chang Cheh would fall asleep on the set
every time Chang Cheh would fall asleep on the set
Chen was beginning to hate the fact, that he chose the
short "Knock-kneed" girl over the tall "Bow-legged" one
short "Knock-kneed" girl over the tall "Bow-legged" one
Ling tells Wang, that teacher is displeased with him, because
he failed to buy a French hat like the rest of the students
Lu Feng "Hi-Fives" Chang, for successfully keeping
Kuo Chui out of their upcoming movie
Kuo Chui out of their upcoming movie
Chow's first night in prison, turned out to be a painful one
Though he had only worked at the studio a short time,
Lo was determined to take 1st-place in the annual
"Shaolin Patty-Cake" tournament
Lo was determined to take 1st-place in the annual
"Shaolin Patty-Cake" tournament