The Hero
Born - (1951)
Place - Taiwan
Art - Peking Opera
Height: 5' 6"
Venom Films
Carry A Film
(3DV) Or More
Films Together
Weapon Of Choice
Long Staff
First Film
Marco Polo
Breakout Role
Life's Gambles
As Lead Hero
(19) Times
Shown Drunk
(?) Times
Had Girlfriend
Ode To Gallantry
Red & Black Cape
Flag Of Iron
As Lead Villain
Dies In Film
(3 + CTK) times
Dies The Fastest
Heaven & Hell
Last Man Alive
Rebel Intruders
Worst Role
Brave Archer-3
Standout Scene
SS w/ Royal Blood
Fought With Least
Lo Mang
Last V-Role
House Of Traps
Best Perfomances
Most Memorable
Magnificent Ruffians
Last Shaw Role
Demon Of The Lute
Remembered As
The Lizard
Present Day
Still works in the industry
The Villain
Born - (1956)
Height: 5' 7"
Bladed Weapons
Crippled Avengers
(7) times
Invincible Shaolin
(14) Times
(15) times
Kid w/ Golden Arm
The Daredevils
Chinatown Kid
Sun Chien
Super Ninjas
The Centipede
Occasionally, works in Television
The Mediator
Height: 5' 8"
Double Weapons
(16) Times
(15 includes H&H)
Shaolin Rescuers
Super Ninjas **
The Idiot
Died of a heart-attack in (1991)