Here's an actress who seemingly could have had a pretty good run as a Kung-fu Queen, had she put a little more effort into her roles. With her role in A Life Of Ninja going up against Shaw veteran Chen Kuan-Tai, she displayed some pretty good skill with the wooden sword, until he let her know who the star of the film was. She was never in the same league as Angela Mao, Chia Ling, Polly Shang-Kwan, or Sue Shiomi, but she did try to capitalize on her stint in front of the camera while she was around.
She was given about 1-minute of time in Dress To Fight (with Tien Peng) who she seems to share a special bond - they (along with Chang Ling), love to enhance their performances with all kinds of Camera Tricks, which is a "Dead-give-a-way" of a star with no real kung-fu skills. She used to be featured in Hong Kong magazines modeling clothes, which she may have possibly had a career in. I really believe, that she would have had a much longer film career, had she picked some better scripts. Films like A Book Of Heroes and Clan Of Righteousness, showed her in a much better light (as far as her work, was concerned).