She's another female, who falls in the category of Actress, rather than, that of a fighter. She like so many actresses before (and after) her had to settle for roles that either showed them as good actresses or bad fighters. Usually, women who need to be saved by the Hero (or anybody), who eventually gets pulled into situations that get them killed. Her role as a killer, in The Convict Killer, was much more enjoyable, as her character had -- well, Character. It was a much better role than her wasted one, in the obscure, Black Lizard. Her screentime here, was very limited. I (initially) remember her from the mid 70's, in the film Challenge Of The Dragon (with Chan Wei-Man).
In this film she played the sister of Kitty Meng-Chui, who is given a drug (similar to today's Escstasy) and taken advantage of, by a scheming servant. As far as Kung Fu films go, I've never seen her give an outstanding performance, which would easily lump her with most of the other actresses, who were just faking it, for the money. She starred in the outrageous 3 and 1/2 Dumb Kung Fu Girls, which was as silly as a movie could get (without Dean Shek in it). This was around the time that, the Kung Fu Comedy genre was becoming more and more absurd, thus films like the one mentioned, never really found an (American) audience.