Every once in a while, a talent comes along and totally catches you off-guard, leaving you wanting more. This lady did just that. When it came to fancy footwork (kicks), she would rank right up there with the top (5) "Female Kickers" around. What made it so bad, was that we only got a taste of what she could do, because her talent wasn't exploited at Shaw studios at that time. Director Lo Mar showcased her skills excellently in the "tour-de-force" classic - The 5 Super Fighters, only to have her do a Sally Chen (running around crying for help) in the obscure film, Boxer From The Temple.
She reminds me of another "Queen Of Feet" actress Lin Ying, who despite her age, had some awesome kicks and flexibility. When she appeared against Yen Shi-Kuan in The Master Strikes, she wasn't given much to do. Yet, with a talent like that, you had to showcase her skills as much as possible or run the risk of losing it forever. Her abilities could have put her in the same category as Angela Mao, Polly Shang-Kuan, or even Chia Ling, if we'd seen more of what she could do. She mostly shot films for Shaw Brothers, where her career should have really taken off, yet (later) the roles she received, didn't do much to bring her stardom. One of her better films saw her go up against the "Lord-of-the-Legs" himself, Wang Jang-Li, in Shaw Brothers underrated Kid From Kwangtung.