
Most will remember her as the little cutie, that stared down Bruce Lee (as he tried to eat his bowl of rice) in their first American release - Fists Of Fury (aka The Big Boss). She's no fighter, though they tried to make her into one in The Chinese Connection (it didn't work). More of a pretty-face, than a Queen Boxer, she was (often) put in films, just to be saved by the hero. In The Shanghai Killers (with James Tien ) she was entertaining, as a Swordswoman. Even with a sword in her hand, she looked more like she was getting ready to prepare a big meal, than kill someone.
She wasn't as believable, as Nora Miao, when it came to Swordplay films - not that she couldn't have been. I think, that they were concentrating more, on their "Cash-cows" (Bruce, Nora, and Angela Mao), than trying to work with an actress, who had no starring roles under her belt. The majority of the roles she played, were the "Damsel-in-Distress" type and any female in Hong Kong, could play those. As stardom eluded her, I'm sure she got fed up with the system and when the proposition of marriage came along, she took it. She got married in mid-70's and her film career, was given up for family life.